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Spanish to German Number Converter

Supported formats

  • Numeral: e.g.,: 2303
  • Spanish numeral: e.g.,: dos mil trescientos tres
  • German numeral: e.g.,: zweitausenddreihundertdrei

How to use Spanish words to German number Converter?

Converting number from Spanish words to German (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.

Spanish words to German Conversion Table

diez milzehntausend10000
un millóneine Million1000000
diez milloneszehn Millionen10000000
cien milloneseinhundert Millionen100000000

Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Spanish numerals.visit.

Conversion of Spanish Numbers to German Numbers

Numbers form the backbone of communication, enabling us to convey quantity, time, and various other mathematical expressions. With two languages as rich and complex as Spanish and German, understanding the conversion of numbers between them is both necessary and educational.

Basic Numbers

Let's start with the basic numbers, which serve as the foundation for counting in both languages:

Spanish German
Uno Eins
Dos Zwei
Tres Drei
Cuatro Vier
Cinco Fünf
Seis Sechs
Siete Sieben
Ocho Acht
Nueve Neun
Diez Zehn

In this table, we see a simple one-to-one mapping between Spanish numbers and their German equivalents. Both languages have unique phonetic structures, so pronunciation differs significantly.

Numbers 11 to 20

As we move into the teens, both languages develop unique words:

Spanish German
Once Elf
Doce Zwölf
Trece Dreizehn
Catorce Vierzehn
Quince Fünfzehn
Dieciséis Sechzehn
Diecisiete Siebzehn
Dieciocho Achtzehn
Diecinueve Neunzehn
Veinte Zwanzig

It’s important to remember that in Spanish, numbers 16 through 19 are formed by combining “dieci” (meaning ten) with the respective unit number. In German, however, the system relies on different bases, hence the unique words.


In both languages, tens introduce another layer of complexity:

Spanish German
Veintiuno Einundzwanzig
Veintidós Zweiundzwanzig
Veintitrés Dreiundzwanzig
Treinta Dreißig
Cuarenta Vierzig
Cincuenta Fünfzig
Sesenta Sechzig
Setenta Siebzig
Ochenta Achtzig
Noventa Neunzig
Cien Hundert

The numbers 21 to 29 in Spanish utilize a form of addition (veinti- + unit) but switch to a composition format in German (unit + und + ten).

Hundreds and Beyond

When we progress to hundreds, thousands, and larger numbers, both languages have particular rules:

  • Spanish: Cien (100), Doscientos (200), Trescientos (300)
  • German: Hundert (100), Zweihundert (200), Dreihundert (300)

For thousands:

  • Spanish: Mil (1000), Dos mil (2000)
  • German: Tausend (1000), Zweitausend (2000)

The structure in larger numbers remains similar across both languages, where a base number is combined with a suffix indicating its value (e.g., thousand, hundred).

Special Considerations

Converting numbers may not always present a straightforward task due to structural differences across both languages, especially in larger numbers.


What are the common pitfalls in converting Spanish numbers to German?

  • Mispronunciation: Due to different phonetic rules, mispronunciation is common. For instance, “siete” and “Sieben” have distinctly different sounds.
  • Composition confusion: Spanish often combines words for numbers, which may confuse those accustomed to the more separate forms in German, like "Einundzwanzig" compared to "veintiuno".
  • Numeric forms: Be aware that ordinal forms differ; for example, "primero" in Spanish translates to "erster" in German.

Are there exceptions in specific numbers?

Indeed! Numbers like "once" (11) in Spanish and "elf" in German are exceptions where the patterns don’t follow the usual counting rules.

How do cultural differences impact the use of numbers?

In various contexts, such as legal documents or financial statements, adherence to local linguistic numerical conventions is critical. Be mindful that not all numerical formats might be accepted universally; always check the specific conventions for each language.

How to use German words to Spanish number Converter?

To convert German numerals to Spanish words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the German numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to Spanish number" button.
  3. The Spanish numeral will be displayed in the output field.

How to use Numeral to German number Converter?

To convert numerals to German words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to German number" button.
  3. The German numeral will be displayed in the output field.