Italian to Dutch Number Converter
Supported formats
- Numeral: e.g.,: 2473
- Italian numeral: e.g.,: duemilaquattrocentosettantatré
- Dutch numeral: e.g.,: vierentwintighonderd drieënzeventig
How to use Italian words to Dutch number Converter?
Converting number from Italian words to Dutch (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.
Italian words to Dutch Conversion Table
Italian | Dutch | Numeral |
zero | nul | 0 |
uno | een | 1 |
due | twee | 2 |
tre | drie | 3 |
quattro | vier | 4 |
cinque | vijf | 5 |
sei | zes | 6 |
sette | zeven | 7 |
otto | acht | 8 |
nove | negen | 9 |
dieci | tien | 10 |
venti | twintig | 20 |
trenta | dertig | 30 |
quaranta | veertig | 40 |
cinquanta | vijftig | 50 |
sessanta | zestig | 60 |
settanta | zeventig | 70 |
ottanta | tachtig | 80 |
novanta | negentig | 90 |
cento | honderd | 100 |
mille | duizend | 1000 |
diecimila | tienduizend | 10000 |
un milione | een miljoen | 1000000 |
dieci milioni | tien miljoen | 10000000 |
cento milioni | honderd miljoen | 100000000 |
Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Italian numerals.visit.
Italian to Dutch Number Translation
Translating numbers from Italian to Dutch can seem daunting at first, but with a few guidelines and examples, one can easily understand how to convert numbers between these two languages. Both languages have unique systems for numbering, yet they share similarities, particularly among the basic numbers.
Basic Numbers
Let's begin with the basic numbers in both Italian and Dutch:
- 0 - zero (null)
- 1 - uno (één)
- 2 - due (twee)
- 3 - tre (drie)
- 4 - quattro (vier)
- 5 - cinque (vijf)
- 6 - sei (zes)
- 7 - sette (zeven)
- 8 - otto (acht)
- 9 - nove (negen)
- 10 - dieci (tien)
Teen Numbers
Moving on to the teen numbers, which can be a bit tricky:
- 11 - undici (elf)
- 12 - dodici (twaalf)
- 13 - tredici (dertien)
- 14 - quattordici (veertien)
- 15 - quindici (vijftien)
- 16 - sedici (zestien)
- 17 - diciassette (zeventien)
- 18 - diciotto (achttien)
- 19 - diciannove (negentien)
Next, we have the tens, which in both languages are formed relatively similarly:
- 20 - venti (twintig)
- 30 - trenta (dertig)
- 40 - quaranta (veertig)
- 50 - cinquanta (vijftig)
- 60 - sessanta (zestig)
- 70 - settanta (zeventig)
- 80 - ottanta (tachtig)
- 90 - novanta (negentig)
Combining Numbers
When combining these numbers, both Italian and Dutch use a similar pattern. For instance, when expressing numbers between 21-29, you combine the tens with the units.
- 21 - ventuno (eenentwintig)
- 22 - ventidue (tweeëntwintig)
- 23 - ventitre (drieëntwintig)
In Dutch, this pattern continues similarly:
- 21 - eenentwintig
- 22 - tweeëntwintig
- 23 - drieëntwintig
This pattern applies all the way to 99, resulting in numbers like:
- 95 - novant cinque (vijfennegentig)
- 76 - settantasei (zesenzestig)
Hundreds and Thousands
Moving onto higher values:
- 100 - cento (honderd)
- 200 - duecento (tweehonderd)
For thousands, the pattern remains consistent:
- 1000 - mille (duizend)
- 2000 - duemila (tweeduizend)
For example:
- 1500 - millecinquecento (vijftienhonderd)
- 3500 - tremilacinquecento (drieduizend vijfhonderd)
Larger Numbers
For larger numbers, you'll continue applying the same rules:
- 10,000 - diecimila (tienduizend)
- 100,000 - centomila (honderdduizend)
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the main differences between Italian and Dutch number systems?
The primary differences lie in the pronunciation and spelling of the numbers. While both languages have some similar structures, the roots and sounds vary significantly.
Are there any common pitfalls when translating numbers?
Yes, one common mistake is confusing the structure of teen numbers. In Italian, numbers like 16 are sedici and in Dutch it’s zestien.
Is there a consistent pattern in bigger numbers?
Yes, the patterns for combining numbers continue consistently in both languages. For instance, after every ten, you simply add the next digit followed by 'entwintig' in Dutch or 'venti' in Italian.
How do I deal with larger numbers over a million?
Just like smaller numbers, both languages use specific terms for large numbers beyond a million, which require learning the specific terms.
What should I practice to improve my number translation?
To improve your skills, practice with common mathematical problems, number games, or even label items around you with their Italian and Dutch numbers.
By familiarizing yourself with these structures and practicing regularly, you’ll find translating numbers between Italian and Dutch becomes an easy and straightforward task.
How to use Dutch words to Italian number Converter?
To convert Dutch numerals to Italian words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the Dutch numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Italian number" button.
- The Italian numeral will be displayed in the output field.
How to use Numeral to Dutch number Converter?
To convert numerals to Dutch words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Dutch number" button.
- The Dutch numeral will be displayed in the output field.