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Arabic Number Converter

Supported formats

  • Numeral: e.g.,: 757
  • Arabic numeral: e.g.,: سبعمائة وسبعة وخمسون
  • English numeral: e.g.,: seven hundred and fifty-seven

How to use Arabic words to English number Converter?

Converting number from Arabic words to English (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.

Arabic words to English Conversion Table

مائةone hundred100
ألفone thousand1000
عشرة آلافten thousand10000
مليونone million1000000
عشرة ملايينten million10000000
مائة مليونone hundred million100000000

Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Arabic numerals.visit.

Arabic Numerals to English Numerals Conversion

The Arabic numeral system is one of the most widely used numeral systems in the world today. Despite its name, the system derives from ancient Indian mathematics and was later transmitted to the Western world through Arabic scholars. This numeral system employs ten fundamental digits, which are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. In contrast, the English numeral system is based on the same ten digits but is read and pronounced differently.

Converting Arabic numerals to English numerals can be straightforward but understanding their representation is crucial. Below are some examples to illustrate this conversion process.

Example Conversions

  1. Single-digit numbers:

    • Arabic numeral: ٢ (2)
    • English numeral: 2
      This is a simple conversion as both numeral systems represent the numeric value with the same base ten system.
  2. Two-digit numbers:

    • Arabic numeral: ١١ (11)
    • English numeral: 11
      Again, the conversion remains consistent with basic numeral representation.
  3. Three-digit numbers:

    • Arabic numeral: ٢٤٣ (243)
    • English numeral: 243
      As we can see, the transformation retains its original numeric value.
  4. Larger numbers:

    • Arabic numeral: ١٠٠٠ (1000)
    • English numeral: 1000
      Here, the zero retains its significance in both systems.
  5. Complex numbers:

    • Arabic numeral: ٥١٢٣ (5123)
    • English numeral: 5123
      The conversion process is still uniform and straightforward as we increase in magnitude.
  6. Including decimal points:

    • Arabic numeral: ٣.١٤ (3.14)
    • English numeral: 3.14
      Even with decimals, the conversion remains consistent. It's important to note that Arabic uses a comma in place of a decimal in some contexts.
  7. Negative numbers:

    • Arabic numeral: -٤٥ (−45)
    • English numeral: -45
      Negative signs are similarly represented as in English numerals, indicating values below zero.
  8. Place value in large numbers:

    • Arabic numeral: ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ (123456789)
    • English numeral: 123456789
      This shows how even large sequences maintain their structure in both numeral systems.


Important Notes for Conversion

  1. Directional Reading: Arabic is written from right to left, while English is written from left to right. Therefore, when reading Arabic numerals, ensure to start from the rightmost digit.

  2. Cultural Differences: In some Arabic-speaking countries, a comma is used to denote decimals, while in others, a dot is used. Always verify the context to avoid misunderstanding.

  3. Numerical Contexts: Sometimes, numerals can be contextual, especially in legal or formal documents. Ensure that the numeral matches the expected format in English.

  4. Misinterpretation: Be wary of numbers that might look similar in Arabic and English but differ in value. For instance, ١ (1) is not ٢ (2), even if visually they can appear simple.

  5. Complex Formats: In cases where numerals are part of a sentence or equation, consider the grammatical structures in both languages, which can alter how numbers are interpreted.

By understanding these guidelines and examples, one can effectively convert Arabic numerals to English numerals without confusion, ensuring clarity and accuracy in numerical communications.

How to use English words to Arabic number Converter?

To convert English numerals to Arabic words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the English numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to Arabic number" button.
  3. The Arabic numeral will be displayed in the output field.

How to use Numeral to English number Converter?

To convert numerals to English words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to English number" button.
  3. The English numeral will be displayed in the output field.