French to Hungarian Number Converter
Supported formats
- Numeral: e.g.,: 2172
- French numeral: e.g.,: deux mille cent soixante-douze
- Hungarian numeral: e.g.,: kétezer-százhetvenkettő
How to use French words to Hungarian number Converter?
Converting number from French words to Hungarian (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.
French words to Hungarian Conversion Table
French | Hungarian | Numeral |
zéro | nulla | 0 |
un | egy | 1 |
deux | kettő | 2 |
trois | három | 3 |
quatre | négy | 4 |
cinq | öt | 5 |
six | hat | 6 |
sept | hét | 7 |
huit | nyolc | 8 |
neuf | kilenc | 9 |
dix | tíz | 10 |
vingt | húsz | 20 |
trente | harminc | 30 |
quarante | negyven | 40 |
cinquante | ötven | 50 |
soixante | hatvan | 60 |
soixante-dix | hetven | 70 |
quatre-vingts | nyolcvan | 80 |
quatre-vingt-dix | kilencven | 90 |
cent | száz | 100 |
mille | ezer | 1000 |
dix mille | tízezer | 10000 |
un million | egymillió | 1000000 |
dix millions | tízmillió | 10000000 |
cent millions | százmillió | 100000000 |
Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on French numerals.visit.
Converting French Numbers to Hungarian Numbers
Understanding how to convert numbers from one language to another is essential, especially when dealing with languages that have distinct linguistic rules and structures. French and Hungarian are two languages that belong to very different language families—French is a Romance language, while Hungarian is a Uralic language. This can lead to challenges when translating numbers due to their unique grammatical and syntactic rules. In this article, we will discuss the methods and rules to convert numbers from French to Hungarian, along with detailed examples for clarity.
Basic Numbers Conversion
Let us start with the basics. In both languages, numbers are built from smaller components. Here’s how the numbers one to ten are expressed in French and their Hungarian equivalents:
French | Hungarian |
un | egy |
deux | kettő |
trois | három |
quatre | négy |
cinq | öt |
six | hat |
sept | hét |
huit | nyolc |
neuf | kilenc |
dix | tíz |
Compound Numbers
Both languages also form compound numbers but in distinct ways. In French, numbers from 11 to 16 are formed with special terms, while in Hungarian, the structure follows a more straightforward pattern.
For example:
- 11 = onze
- 12 = douze
- 13 = treize
- 11 = tizenegy (literally "ten one")
- 12 = tizenkettő (literally "ten two")
- 13 = tizenhárom (literally "ten three")
Examples of Compound Numbers
Let us show further examples with bigger numbers:
French: 21 is "vingt et un"
Hungarian: 21 is "huszonegy" (literally "twenty one")
French: 35 is "trente-cinq"
Hungarian: 35 is "harmincöt" (literally "thirty five")
Tens and Hundreds
Understanding larger numbers is crucial in translation. In French, the tens are formed differently than in Hungarian.
French Tens:
- 20 = vingt
- 30 = trente
- 40 = quarante
- 50 = cinquante
- 60 = soixante
- 70 = soixante-dix (literally "sixty ten")
- 80 = quatre-vingts (literally "four twenties")
- 90 = quatre-vingt-dix (literally "four twenty ten")
Hungarian Tens:
- 20 = husz
- 30 = harminc
- 40 = negyven
- 50 = ötven
- 60 = hatvan
- 70 = hetven
- 80 = nyolcvan
- 90 = kilencven
Examples of Hundreds and Thousands
French: 100 is "cent"
Hungarian: 100 is "száz"
French: 1,000 is "mille"
Hungarian: 1,000 is "ezer"
When converting numbers like 345, it's important to note:
- French: 345 = "trois cent quarante-cinq"
- Hungarian: 345 = "háromszáznegyvenöt" (literally “three hundred forty five”)
The conversion from French to Hungarian numbers can seem daunting initially due to the structural differences. However, understanding the basic numbers, the formation of compound numbers, and the way tens, hundreds, and thousands are expressed will help to resolve this challenge. As with learning any new language, practice will enhance fluency in number conversions.
What are some important things to remember when converting numbers from French to Hungarian?
Compound numbers: Hungarian tends to follow a more logical formation (like "eleven" meaning "ten one"), while French has unique terms for certain numbers.
Tens Formation: French has a unique system for 70, 80, and 90, whereas in Hungarian, it’s more straightforward (like "seventy" meaning "seven ten").
Translating large numbers: Remember the correct order and structure in both languages, especially when dealing with hundreds and thousands, while keeping in mind their respective word orders and grammatical rules.
Practice regularly: The more you practice conversions, the more intuitive it will become. Use flashcards or applications that focus on number translation to improve your skills.
How to use Hungarian words to French number Converter?
To convert Hungarian numerals to French words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the Hungarian numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to French number" button.
- The French numeral will be displayed in the output field.
How to use Numeral to Hungarian number Converter?
To convert numerals to Hungarian words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Hungarian number" button.
- The Hungarian numeral will be displayed in the output field.