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German to Dutch Number Converter

Supported formats

  • Numeral: e.g.,: 891
  • German numeral: e.g.,: achthunderteinundneunzig
  • Dutch numeral: e.g.,: achthonderdeenennegentig

How to use German words to Dutch number Converter?

Converting number from German words to Dutch (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.

German words to Dutch Conversion Table

eine Millioneen miljoen1000000
zehn Millionentien miljoen10000000
einhundert Millionenhonderd miljoen100000000

Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on German numerals.visit.

Converting German Numbers to Dutch Numbers

When learning languages, one of the fundamental aspects to grasp is the number system. German and Dutch, both being Germanic languages, share similarities in their numerical systems. However, they also have distinctive features that any learner should be aware of. This article provides a detailed guide on how to convert German numbers into Dutch numbers, along with examples to illustrate the transformation.

Basic Numbers

In both German and Dutch, the digits from 0 to 10 are straightforward to learn. Let's start with the base numbers:

  • 0: null (German) → nul (Dutch)
  • 1: eins → één
  • 2: zwei → twee
  • 3: drei → drie
  • 4: vier → vier
  • 5: fünf → vijf
  • 6: sechs → zes
  • 7: sieben → zeven
  • 8: acht → acht
  • 9: neun → negen
  • 10: zehn → tien

As observed, numbers from 0 to 10 exhibit both similarities and differences in their spelling and pronunciation.

Teens (11-19)

Next, we move on to the numbers in the teenage range. While German tends to connect the base number with "zehn," Dutch introduces a slightly different structure.

  • 11: elf → elf
  • 12: zwölf → twaalf
  • 13: dreizehn → dertien
  • 14: vierzehn → veertien
  • 15: fünfzehn → vijftien
  • 16: sechzehn → zestien
  • 17: siebzehn → zeventien
  • 18: achtzehn → achttien
  • 19: neunzehn → negentien

The pattern in Dutch is to prefix the base number with "der" for numbers 13-19, whereas German simply adds "zehn" to the numeral. This transition in structure is an essential consideration when converting numbers.

Tens (20-90)

For the tens, German and Dutch utilize a system that combines the numeral with "zig" or "tien" and follows a similar pattern.

  • 20: zwanzig → twintig
  • 30: dreißig → dertig
  • 40: vierzig → veertig
  • 50: fünfzig → vijftig
  • 60: sechzig → zestig
  • 70: siebzig → zeventig
  • 80: achtzig → tachtig
  • 90: neunzig → negentig

Compound Numbers (21-99)

The creation of compound numbers in German often combines the unit followed by the tens, with "und" linking them. Dutch retains a similar structure but places the unit before the tens with "en" for connection.

For example:

  • 21: einundzwanzig (German) → eenentwintig (Dutch)
  • 35: fünfunddreißig → vijfendertig
  • 47: siebenundvierzig → zevenenveertig
  • 56: sechsundfünfzig → zesenvijftig
  • 72: zweiundsiebzig → tweeënzeventig
  • 99: neunundneunzig → negenennegentig

Hundreds and Thousands

As we transition to larger figures:

  • 100: einhundert → honderd
  • 200: zweihundert → tweehonderd
  • 1,000: eintausend → duizend
  • 2,000: zweitausend → tweeduizend

In Dutch, "honderd" is used for hundreds and "duizend" for thousand, maintaining that systematic simplicity as seen with smaller units.


What are some tips for converting German numbers to Dutch?

  1. Understand the Structure: Recognize that German combines units with "und" and tens primarily with "zig," whereas Dutch often places the unit before the ten and uses "en."

  2. Practice with Examples: Continuously practice conversions with numbers beyond 100 to solidify your understanding.

  3. Familiarize with Rules: Be aware of unique cases such as "elf" and "twaalf," as they slightly differ from typical conversion patterns.

  4. Listen for Pronunciation: Being able to hear the numbers pronounced will aid in mastering their use in sentences.

  5. Use Number Charts: Maintaining a number chart for quick reference could speed up your learning process.

By consistently practicing these conversions and keeping these tips in mind, you will become proficient in both recognizing and using numbers in both German and Dutch languages.

How to use Dutch words to German number Converter?

To convert Dutch numerals to German words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the Dutch numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to German number" button.
  3. The German numeral will be displayed in the output field.

How to use Numeral to Dutch number Converter?

To convert numerals to Dutch words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to Dutch number" button.
  3. The Dutch numeral will be displayed in the output field.