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Japanese to Czech Number Converter

Supported formats

  • Numeral: e.g.,: 2751
  • Japanese numeral: e.g.,: 二千七百五十一
  • Czech numeral: e.g.,: dva tisíce sedm set padesát jedna

How to use Japanese words to Czech number Converter?

Converting number from Japanese words to Czech (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.

Japanese words to Czech Conversion Table

一万deset tisíc10000
千万deset milionů10000000
一億sto milionů100000000

Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Japanese numerals.visit.

Conversion of Japanese Numbers to Czech Numbers

Numbers play a crucial role in everyday communication, be it for counting, pricing, or any other numerical expression. In the realm of languages, the way numbers are articulated and understood can vary significantly. This article serves to outline the conversion of Japanese numbers to Czech numbers, detailing the structure and providing ample examples for clarity.

Understanding Japanese Numbers

Japanese counting relies on a set of base numbers and unique counting systems depending on the context, such as traditional counting (for items) or modern usage (like dates and large sums). The basic numbers in Japanese are:

  • 1 - 一 (いち, ichi)
  • 2 - 二 (に, ni)
  • 3 - 三 (さん, san)
  • 4 - 四 (し, shi / よん, yon)
  • 5 - 五 (ご, go)
  • 6 - 六 (ろく, roku)
  • 7 - 七 (しち, shichi / なな, nana)
  • 8 - 八 (はち, hachi)
  • 9 - 九 (きゅう, kyuu / く, ku)
  • 10 - 十 (じゅう, juu)

From these base numbers, larger numbers are constructed. For example, 11 is 十一 (じゅういち, juu-ichi) which translates to "ten one."

Structure of Larger Numbers

To form numbers beyond ten, Japanese utilizes a place-value system similar to Czech. 20, for instance, is 二十 (にじゅう, ni-juu), while 30 is 三十 (さんじゅう, san-juu). Here is a breakdown of relevant larger numbers:

  • 100 - 百 (ひゃく, hyaku)
  • 1,000 - 千 (せん, sen)
  • 10,000 - 万 (まん, man)

Thus, 123 in Japanese is expressed as 百二十三 (ひゃくにじゅうさん, hyaku-nijuu-san), directly translating to "one hundred twenty three."

Czech Number System

Czech numbers follow a somewhat similar structure but have distinct names for numbers. Here’s how the basic Japanese numbers translate into Czech:

  • 1 - jedna
  • 2 - dva
  • 3 - tři
  • 4 - čtyři
  • 5 - pět
  • 6 - šest
  • 7 - sedm
  • 8 - osm
  • 9 - devět
  • 10 - deset

For larger numbers, the structure is similar, where the word for tens follows the basic structure. For example, 20 in Czech is dvacet, and 30 is třicet.

Conversion Examples

Here is a table comparing some Japanese numbers with their Czech counterparts:

Japanese Czech
一 (いち) jedna
二 (に) dva
三 (さん) tři
四 (し) čtyři
五 (ご) pět
六 (ろく) šest
七 (しち) sedm
八 (はち) osm
九 (きゅう) devět
十 (じゅう) deset
百 (ひゃく) sto
千 (せん) tisíc
万 (まん) deset tisíc

Forming Higher Numbers

The formation of numbers above a thousand also follows a logical structure. For instance, the number 1,234 can be said in Japanese as 千二百三十四 (せんにひゃくさんじゅうよん, sen ni-hyaku san-juu yon) and in Czech as tisíc dvě stě třicet čtyři.


Notes on Conversion from Japanese to Czech Numbers

  1. Context Matters: Both languages have specific phrases and arrangements for counting certain items (like traditional Japanese counting for small objects). Be aware of these differences.

  2. Use of Particles: Japanese may use various counters (助数詞, josuushi) for different types of objects which do not exist in Czech. For example, counting sheets, animals, and long cylindrical items all employ different counters.

  3. Numerical Composition: While both languages use a base-10 system, the way they express numbers can vary, so practice converting numbers in different configurations.

  4. Native Pronunciation: Phonetics in both languages vary greatly. Focus on smooth transitions between numbers for clarity in communication.

  5. Cultural Context: Remember that certain numbers may carry cultural significance; for example, the number four (四) in Japanese can be pronounced as し (shi), which sounds like the word for death (死).

How to use Czech words to Japanese number Converter?

To convert Czech numerals to Japanese words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the Czech numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to Japanese number" button.
  3. The Japanese numeral will be displayed in the output field.

How to use Numeral to Czech number Converter?

To convert numerals to Czech words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to Czech number" button.
  3. The Czech numeral will be displayed in the output field.