French to Indonesian Number Converter
Supported formats
- Numeral: e.g.,: 1101
- French numeral: e.g.,: mille cent un
- Indonesian numeral: e.g.,: seribu seratus satu
How to use French words to Indonesian number Converter?
Converting number from French words to Indonesian (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.
French words to Indonesian Conversion Table
French | Indonesian | Numeral |
zéro | nol | 0 |
un | satu | 1 |
deux | dua | 2 |
trois | tiga | 3 |
quatre | empat | 4 |
cinq | lima | 5 |
six | enam | 6 |
sept | tujuh | 7 |
huit | delapan | 8 |
neuf | sembilan | 9 |
dix | sepuluh | 10 |
vingt | dua puluh | 20 |
trente | tiga puluh | 30 |
quarante | empat puluh | 40 |
cinquante | lima puluh | 50 |
soixante | enam puluh | 60 |
soixante-dix | tujuh puluh | 70 |
quatre-vingts | delapan puluh | 80 |
quatre-vingt-dix | sembilan puluh | 90 |
cent | seratus | 100 |
mille | seribu | 1000 |
dix mille | sepuluh ribu | 10000 |
un million | satu juta | 1000000 |
dix millions | sepuluh juta | 10000000 |
cent millions | seratus juta | 100000000 |
Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on French numerals.visit.
Conversion of French Numbers to Indonesian Numbers
Converting numbers from one language to another can be challenging, especially when dealing with languages like French and Indonesian, which have different numeral systems and rules. This article will guide you through the conversion process, provide detailed examples, and highlight some important notes to consider.
The Basics of French Numbers
French numbers are structured differently from Indonesian numbers. In French, numbers 1-16 have unique names, while numbers 17-19 are formed by combining the numbers 10 and 1-9. Tens and hundreds have their own terms, and larger numbers follow a specific pattern as well. Here’s a brief overview of some basic numbers in French:
- 1 – un
- 2 – deux
- 3 – trois
- 4 – quatre
- 5 – cinq
- 6 – six
- 7 – sept
- 8 – huit
- 9 – neuf
- 10 – dix
- 11 – onze
- 12 – douze
- 13 – treize
- 14 – quatorze
- 15 – quinze
- 16 – seize
- 20 – vingt
- 30 – trente
- 100 – cent
- 1000 – mille
The Basics of Indonesian Numbers
Indonesian numbers are comparatively straightforward, as they often rely on a base structure that builds upon smaller units. Here are some basic numbers in Indonesian:
- 1 – satu
- 2 – dua
- 3 – tiga
- 4 – empat
- 5 – lima
- 6 – enam
- 7 – tujuh
- 8 – delapan
- 9 – sembilan
- 10 – sepuluh
- 11 – sebelas
- 12 – dua belas
- 20 – dua puluh
- 30 – tiga puluh
- 100 – seratus
- 1000 – seribu
Conversion Examples
Let's convert some French numbers into Indonesian:
French: un (1)
- Indonesian: satu
French: trois (3)
- Indonesian: tiga
French: dix (10)
- Indonesian: sepuluh
French: quinze (15)
- Indonesian: lima belas
French: vingt (20)
- Indonesian: dua puluh
Now let's look at more complex conversions that involve larger numbers:
French: vingt et un (21)
- Indonesian: dua puluh satu
French: quarante-deux (42)
- Indonesian: empat puluh dua
French: cent (100)
- Indonesian: seratus
French: mille (1000)
- Indonesian: seribu
French: deux mille (2000)
- Indonesian: dua ribu
Noteworthy Patterns
Compound Numbers: In French, numbers between 21-69 often combine the tens with the units. Conversely, Indonesian uses “puluh” for tens and “belas” for numbers 11-19. Always be aware of these patterns when converting.
Hundreds and Thousands: The transition from hundreds to thousands is quite similar in both languages, but the structure requires careful attention. For example, while French uses "cent" for 100, Indonesian uses "seratus."
Additional Notes
Keep in mind that language fluency and understanding the nuances of conversions also play significant roles. Familiarization with different number patterns will help improve the accuracy of translations.
What are the key differences to note when converting French numbers to Indonesian?
Unique Numbers: French has unique names for numbers 1-16, while Indonesian typically uses a base-10 structure.
Compound Structure: French combines numbers for the mid-range (like 21-69), whereas Indonesian separates tens from units clearly.
Pronunciation: Pay attention to pronunciation differences. While you may know the numbers, sounding them out correctly is essential for communication.
Cultural Context: Some phrases might have cultural nuances. Understanding these can significantly enhance conversion accuracy.
Age and Formality: In certain contexts, the formality of the number might shift in Indonesian, although this is less common with simple numerals.
How to use Indonesian words to French number Converter?
To convert Indonesian numerals to French words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the Indonesian numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to French number" button.
- The French numeral will be displayed in the output field.
How to use Numeral to Indonesian number Converter?
To convert numerals to Indonesian words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Indonesian number" button.
- The Indonesian numeral will be displayed in the output field.