German to Hungarian Number Converter
Supported formats
- Numeral: e.g.,: 2346
- German numeral: e.g.,: zweitausenddreihundertsechsundvierzig
- Hungarian numeral: e.g.,: kétezer-háromszáznegyvenhat
How to use German words to Hungarian number Converter?
Converting number from German words to Hungarian (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.
German words to Hungarian Conversion Table
German | Hungarian | Numeral |
null | nulla | 0 |
eins | egy | 1 |
zwei | kettő | 2 |
drei | három | 3 |
vier | négy | 4 |
fünf | öt | 5 |
sechs | hat | 6 |
sieben | hét | 7 |
acht | nyolc | 8 |
neun | kilenc | 9 |
zehn | tíz | 10 |
zwanzig | húsz | 20 |
dreißig | harminc | 30 |
vierzig | negyven | 40 |
fünfzig | ötven | 50 |
sechzig | hatvan | 60 |
siebzig | hetven | 70 |
achtzig | nyolcvan | 80 |
neunzig | kilencven | 90 |
einhundert | száz | 100 |
eintausend | ezer | 1000 |
zehntausend | tízezer | 10000 |
eine Million | egymillió | 1000000 |
zehn Millionen | tízmillió | 10000000 |
einhundert Millionen | százmillió | 100000000 |
Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on German numerals.visit.
Converting German Numbers to Hungarian Numbers
Numbers are fundamental in every language, and being able to convert from one numerical system to another is essential, especially for bilingual or multilingual speakers. In this article, we will explore how to convert German numbers into Hungarian numbers, providing detailed examples and a comprehensive overview of the process.
Basic Principles of Number Conversion
Both German and Hungarian have unique systems for numbering, but they share certain similarities. Understanding these similarities and differences helps in making accurate conversions.
In German, numbers are formed by combining the digits and derivatives in a logical way. For instance, the numbers 1-20 are unique words, and numbers from 21 onwards typically follow a pattern. Hungarian also has its own unique words for numbers, especially those used in simple counting.
Conversion Examples
Here are some basic numerical conversions from German to Hungarian for a better understanding:
- 0: Null (German) → 0: Nulla (Hungarian)
- 1: Eins → 1: Egy
- 2: Zwei → 2: Kettő
- 3: Drei → 3: Három
- 4: Vier → 4: Négy
- 5: Fünf → 5: Öt
- 6: Sechs → 6: Hat
- 7: Sieben → 7: Hét
- 8: Acht → 8: Nyolc
- 9: Neun → 9: Kilenc
- 10: Zehn → 10: Tíz
- 11: Elf → 11: Tizenegy
- 12: Zwölf → 12: Tizenkettő
- 20: Zwanzig → 20: Húsz
As we move towards higher numbers, the conversions remain logical but can sometimes lead to confusion due to the structure of each language.
For instance:
- 21: Einundzwanzig (literally "one and twenty") → 21: Huszonegy (literally "twenty and one")
- 30: Dreißig → 30: Harminc
- 40: Vierzig → 40: Negyven
- 50: Fünfzig → 50: Ötven
For units beyond 100, the structure remains systematic:
- 100: Einhundert → 100: Száz
- 101: Einhundert eins → 101: Száz egy
- 200: Zweihundert → 200: Kétszáz
- 1000: Eintausend → 1000: Ezer
Detailed Number Examples
Let's see how higher numbers translate:
- German: Eintausendzweihundertvierunddreißig
- Hungarian: Egyekezerszázhuszonöt
- German: Zweitausenddreiundzwanzig
- Hungarian: Kétezer-huszonhárom
These examples highlight how both languages construct their numbers, showing the rules of composition in each.
Important Considerations for Converting Numbers
Basic Number Range: Ensure you are familiar with the basic numbers in both languages, especially from 0-20, as they have unique forms.
Compound Numbers: Always analyze the structure of compound numbers like 21, 22, etc., since they follow the pattern of counting relatively.
Large Numbers: With larger numbers, check the equivalent hundreds, thousands, etc., to avoid errors.
Language Flow: The word order in Hungarian can differ significantly, especially in compound numbers; pay attention to the phrasing.
Practice: Regular practice and relying on conversion tools or charts can significantly aid in mastering the conversions.
Understanding these principles will equip you with the abilities needed for efficient and accurate conversions between German and Hungarian numbers.
How to use Hungarian words to German number Converter?
To convert Hungarian numerals to German words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the Hungarian numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to German number" button.
- The German numeral will be displayed in the output field.
How to use Numeral to Hungarian number Converter?
To convert numerals to Hungarian words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Hungarian number" button.
- The Hungarian numeral will be displayed in the output field.