Polish to Russian Number Converter
Supported formats
- Numeral: e.g.,: 319
- Polish numeral: e.g.,: trzysta dziewiętnaście
- Russian numeral: e.g.,: триста девятнадцать
How to use Polish words to Russian number Converter?
Converting number from Polish words to Russian (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.
Polish words to Russian Conversion Table
Polish | Russian | Numeral |
zero | ноль | 0 |
jeden | один | 1 |
dwa | два | 2 |
trzy | три | 3 |
cztery | четыре | 4 |
pięć | пять | 5 |
sześć | шесть | 6 |
siedem | семь | 7 |
osiem | восемь | 8 |
dziewięć | девять | 9 |
dziesięć | десять | 10 |
dwadzieścia | двадцать | 20 |
trzydzieści | тридцать | 30 |
czterdzieści | сорок | 40 |
pięćdziesiąt | пятьдесят | 50 |
sześćdziesiąt | шестьдесят | 60 |
siedemdziesiąt | семьдесят | 70 |
osiemdziesiąt | восемьдесят | 80 |
dziewięćdzisiąt | девяносто | 90 |
sto | сто | 100 |
tysiąc | одна тысяча | 1000 |
dziesięć tysięcy | десять тысяч | 10000 |
milion | один миллион | 1000000 |
dziesięć milionów | десять миллионов | 10000000 |
sto milionów | сто миллионов | 100000000 |
Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Polish numerals.visit.
Conversion of Polish Numbers to Russian Numbers
Understanding how to convert numbers from Polish to Russian can be quite beneficial for language learners and those interested in Slavic linguistics. Both Polish and Russian languages are rich in numerical systems, and while they have unique characteristics, there are similarities that can help facilitate this conversion. Here, we will explore the basics of Polish numbers, and how to accurately translate them into Russian, including numerous examples.
Polish Numbers Overview
In Polish, numbers are defined clearly with every digit having a specific term. The basic numbers are as follows:
- 1 - jeden
- 2 - dwa
- 3 - trzy
- 4 - cztery
- 5 - pięć
- 6 - sześć
- 7 - siedem
- 8 - osiem
- 9 - dziewięć
- 10 - dziesięć
Poland uses a decimal numbering system, similar to most of the world. Numbers in the tens, hundreds, thousands, and beyond are built upon these basic values. For instance:
- 20 - dwadzieścia
- 30 - trzydzieści
- 40 - czterdzieści
- 100 - sto
- 1000 - tysiąc
Russian Numbers Overview
Similarly, in Russian, numbers also have distinct terms:
- 1 - один (odin)
- 2 - два (dva)
- 3 - три (tri)
- 4 - четыре (chetyre)
- 5 - пять (pyat')
- 6 - шесть (shest')
- 7 - семь (syem')
- 8 - восемь (vosem')
- 9 - девять (devyat')
- 10 - десять (desyat')
The Russian numbering system follows the same logic. For example:
- 20 - двадцать (dvadtsat')
- 30 - тридцать (tridtsat')
- 40 - сорок (sorok)
- 100 - сто (sto)
- 1000 - тысяча (tysyacha)
Detailed Conversion Examples
Basic numbers:
- Polish: 1 (jeden) → Russian: 1 (один)
- Polish: 2 (dwa) → Russian: 2 (два)
- Polish: 3 (trzy) → Russian: 3 (три)
- Polish: 20 (dwadzieścia) → Russian: 20 (двадцать)
- Polish: 30 (trzydzieści) → Russian: 30 (тридцать)
- Polish: 100 (sto) → Russian: 100 (сто)
- Polish: 300 (trzysta) → Russian: 300 (триста)
- Polish: 1000 (tysiąc) → Russian: 1000 (тысяча)
- Polish: 2000 (dwa tysiące) → Russian: 2000 (две тысячи)
Larger Numbers
Example: 125
- Polish: 125 (sto dwadzieścia pięć) → Russian: 125 (сто двадцать пять)
Example: 478
- Polish: 478 (czterysta siedemdziesiąt osiem) → Russian: 478 (четыреста семьдесят восемь)
Notes on Converting Numbers from Polish to Russian
Pronunciation Differences: While the written form may closely resemble each other, the pronunciation can significantly differ. Language learners should practice speaking to avoid confusion.
Gender Agreement: In Russian, numbers that precede nouns may have to agree in gender with those nouns, which is not the case in Polish.
Compound Numbers: Be mindful of compound numbers in both languages. In Polish, the structure can be quite different, and translating directly may not always yield correct interpretations.
Learning Context: The context in which numbers are used may also affect how they are correctly interpreted. Familiarity with both languages' cultural contexts will enhance understanding.
Practice with Native Speakers: Engage with native speakers of Russian and Polish to solidify your understanding and get real-time feedback on your conversion accuracy.
How to use Russian words to Polish number Converter?
To convert Russian numerals to Polish words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the Russian numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Polish number" button.
- The Polish numeral will be displayed in the output field.
How to use Numeral to Russian number Converter?
To convert numerals to Russian words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Russian number" button.
- The Russian numeral will be displayed in the output field.