Hungarian to Portuguese Number Converter
Supported formats
- Numeral: e.g.,: 2789
- Hungarian numeral: e.g.,: kétezer-hétszáznyolcvankilenc
- Portuguese numeral: e.g.,: dois mil setecentos e oitenta e nove
How to use Hungarian words to Portuguese number Converter?
Converting number from Hungarian words to Portuguese (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.
Hungarian words to Portuguese Conversion Table
Hungarian | Portuguese | Numeral |
nulla | zero | 0 |
egy | um | 1 |
kettő | dois | 2 |
három | três | 3 |
négy | quatro | 4 |
öt | cinco | 5 |
hat | seis | 6 |
hét | sete | 7 |
nyolc | oito | 8 |
kilenc | nove | 9 |
tíz | dez | 10 |
húsz | vinte | 20 |
harminc | trinta | 30 |
negyven | quarenta | 40 |
ötven | cinquenta | 50 |
hatvan | sessenta | 60 |
hetven | setenta | 70 |
nyolcvan | oitenta | 80 |
kilencven | noventa | 90 |
száz | cem | 100 |
ezer | mil | 1000 |
tízezer | dez mil | 10000 |
egymillió | um milhão | 1000000 |
tízmillió | dez milhões | 10000000 |
százmillió | cem milhões | 100000000 |
Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Hungarian numerals.visit.
Hungarian to Portuguese Numerical Conversion
Understanding how to convert numbers from Hungarian to Portuguese involves recognizing the structure, pronunciation, and grammatical rules of both languages. While Hungarian is an agglutinative language with a unique syntax, Portuguese is a Romance language. Below we delve into the basics of this conversion process along with several examples.
Numbers from 1 to 10
The simplest form of numbers exists from 1 to 10. Here’s a breakdown of how Hungarian numbers translate into Portuguese:
Hungarian | Portuguese |
egy | um |
kettő | dois |
három | três |
négy | quatro |
öt | cinco |
hat | seis |
hét | sete |
nyolc | oito |
kilenc | nove |
tíz | dez |
Example: The Hungarian phrase "három alma" (three apples) translates to "três maçãs" in Portuguese.
Numbers from 11 to 20
Similarly, the numbers from 11 to 20 maintain a pattern, though the formation may differ slightly. Here’s how the conversion works:
Hungarian | Portuguese |
tizenegy | onze |
tizenkettő | doze |
tizenhárom | treze |
tizennégy | quatorze |
tizenöt | quinze |
tizenhat | dezesseis |
tizenhét | dezessete |
tizennyolc | dezoito |
tizenkilenc | dezenove |
húsz | vinte |
Example: "tizennégy könyv" (fourteen books) becomes "quatorze livros".
Tens and Beyond
Numbers beyond twenty involve combining the base numbers with tens. Here’s a concise table demonstrating this:
Hungarian | Portuguese |
húsz | vinte |
harminc | trinta |
negyven | quarenta |
ötven | cinquenta |
hatvan | sessenta |
hetven | setenta |
nyolcvan | oitenta |
kilencven | noventa |
Example: "harmincöt" (thirty-five) translates to "trinta e cinco".
Hundreds and Thousands
In Hungarian, hundreds and thousands can be formed similarly by combining the necessary numbers. Numbers are often created by simply adding the term for hundreds or thousand to the number itself.
Hungarian | Portuguese |
száz | cem |
kétszáz | duzentos |
ezer | mil |
tízezer | dez mil |
Example: "két ezer" (two thousand) reflects "duas mil".
Special Cases and Exceptions
Some numbers may have unique forms, especially when combined with other numerical components or in larger constructs.
- Complex Numbers: For numbers like 101, which in Hungarian is "százt egy", in Portuguese, it is "cento e um".
- Ordinal Numbers: These also require transformation; for instance, “hatodik” (“sixth”) becomes “sexto”.
What should I keep in mind when converting Hungarian numbers to Portuguese?
Contextual Meaning: Ensure that you consider the context in which terms are used; Hungarian grammatical structure may imply differences in meaning that Portuguese requires to be explicit.
Compound Numbers: Pay attention to how Hungarian compound numbers are spelled and spoken. Portuguese often requires a conjunction ("e") between tens and units, unlike Hungarian, where the connection is inherently clear in the words.
Pronunciation Variations: Hungarian pronunciation can differ significantly, affecting how numerals are articulated. Understanding phonetic elements may ease the translation process.
Cultural Numbers: Certain numbers might hold cultural significance, influencing language use. Be mindful of idiomatic expressions or phrases that relate to numbers in both languages.
Changes in Written Form: Generally, written forms are closely phonetically aligned with their spoken counterparts in Portuguese, unlike Hungarian where the rules may alter the structure.
By understanding these variations and intricacies in numeral transformation, a smoother transition between Hungarian and Portuguese can be achieved in both spoken and written forms.
How to use Portuguese words to Hungarian number Converter?
To convert Portuguese numerals to Hungarian words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the Portuguese numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Hungarian number" button.
- The Hungarian numeral will be displayed in the output field.
How to use Numeral to Portuguese number Converter?
To convert numerals to Portuguese words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Portuguese number" button.
- The Portuguese numeral will be displayed in the output field.