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Dutch to Russian Number Converter

Supported formats

  • Numeral: e.g.,: 782
  • Dutch numeral: e.g.,: zevenhonderdtweeëntachtig
  • Russian numeral: e.g.,: семьсот восемьдесят два

How to use Dutch words to Russian number Converter?

Converting number from Dutch words to Russian (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.

Dutch words to Russian Conversion Table

duizendодна тысяча1000
tienduizendдесять тысяч10000
een miljoenодин миллион1000000
tien miljoenдесять миллионов10000000
honderd miljoenсто миллионов100000000

Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Dutch numerals.visit.

Conversion of Dutch Numbers to Russian Numbers

Converting numbers from one language to another can be an interesting task, especially when dealing with languages that are structurally different, such as Dutch and Russian. Dutch is a Germanic language while Russian is a Slavic language. Their number systems are both decimal-based, but the words used to represent numbers often differ significantly.

Basic Numbers

Let's start with the basics. The numbers 1 to 10 in Dutch and their Russian equivalents are:

Dutch Russian Transliteration
één один odin
twee два dva
drie три tri
vier четыре chetyre
vijf пять pyat
zes шесть shest
zeven семь syem
acht восемь vosem
negen девять devyat
tien десять desyat

Teen Numbers

Next, let's explore the numbers from 11 to 19. In Dutch, these numbers often incorporate the base ten, while in Russian, a unique set of terms is used.

Dutch Russian Transliteration
elf одиннадцать odinnadtsat
twaalf двенадцать dvenadtsat
dertien тринадцать trinadtsat
veertien четырнадцать chetyrnadtsat
vijftien пятнадцать pyatnadtsat
zestien шестнадцать shestnadtsat
zeventien семнадцать semnadtsat
achttien восемнадцать vozemnadtsat
negentien девятнадцать devyatnadtsat


For the multiples of ten in Dutch (20, 30, 40, etc.), the Russian equivalents also show a different structure:

Dutch Russian Transliteration
twintig двадцать dvadtsat
dertig тридцать tridtsat
veertig сорок sorok
vijftig пятьдесят pyatdesyat
zestig шестьдесят shestdesyat
zeventig семьдесят semdesyat
tachtig восемьдесят vozemdesyat
negentig девяносто devyanosto

Higher Numbers

Let's also look at hundreds and thousands:

Dutch Russian Transliteration
honderd сто sto
duizend тысяча tysyacha
miljoen миллион million
miljard миллиард milliard

Constructing Larger Numbers

In both languages, numbers are constructed by combining these base terms. For example, to say 21 in Dutch, you combine "twintig" and "een," creating "eenentwintig." In Russian, 21 is "двадцать один" (dvadtsat' odin).

Another example is 105. In Dutch, it is "honderd vijf." In Russian, it is "сто пять" (sto pyat).


Important Considerations When Converting Dutch Numbers to Russian

  1. Pronunciation: Although the numbers may look similar, make sure to focus on the pronunciation. Russian has sounds that might not exist in Dutch.

  2. Combining Numbers: Be careful with how you combine numbers. Dutch often uses a conjunction (en), while Russian may not use one. For example, 21 is "eenentwintig" in Dutch but "двадцать один" in Russian.

  3. Grammatical Gender: While it might not apply to the numbers themselves, be aware that female, male, and neuter forms might affect number adjectives in Russian.

  4. Cultural Differences: Some numbers may have different cultural significance in both languages. For instance, the number 13 may be considered unlucky in some cultures.

  5. Context Matters: When converting numbers in a sentence, consider the context as it may change how numbers are represented.

How to use Russian words to Dutch number Converter?

To convert Russian numerals to Dutch words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the Russian numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to Dutch number" button.
  3. The Dutch numeral will be displayed in the output field.

How to use Numeral to Russian number Converter?

To convert numerals to Russian words, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the numeral in the input field.
  2. Click the "Convert to Russian number" button.
  3. The Russian numeral will be displayed in the output field.