Spanish to Arabic Number Converter
Supported formats
- Numeral: e.g.,: 1217
- Spanish numeral: e.g.,: mil doscientos diecisiete
- Arabic numeral: e.g.,: ألف ومئتان وسبعة عشر
How to use Spanish words to Arabic number Converter?
Converting number from Spanish words to Arabic (and vice versa) can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! This guide will walk you through the process in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and apply.
Spanish words to Arabic Conversion Table
Spanish | Arabic | Numeral |
cero | صفر | 0 |
uno | واحد | 1 |
dos | اثنان | 2 |
tres | ثلاثة | 3 |
cuatro | أربعة | 4 |
cinco | خمسة | 5 |
seis | ستة | 6 |
siete | سبعة | 7 |
ocho | ثمانية | 8 |
nueve | تسعة | 9 |
diez | عشرة | 10 |
veinte | عشرون | 20 |
treinta | ثلاثون | 30 |
cuarenta | أربعون | 40 |
cincuenta | خمسون | 50 |
sesenta | ستون | 60 |
setenta | سبعون | 70 |
ochenta | ثمانون | 80 |
noventa | تسعون | 90 |
cien | مائة | 100 |
mil | ألف | 1000 |
diez mil | عشرة آلاف | 10000 |
un millón | مليون | 1000000 |
diez millones | عشرة ملايين | 10000000 |
cien millones | مائة مليون | 100000000 |
Note: Some content on this page is adapted from the Wikipedia articles on Spanish numerals.visit.
Conversion of Spanish Numbers to Arabic Numbers
Understanding how to convert numbers from Spanish to Arabic numerals is essential for clear communication in various contexts, particularly in education, business, and everyday use. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of this conversion, provide detailed examples, and present frequently asked questions to guide you through potential challenges.
Basic Number Structure
In Spanish, numbers are expressed differently than in Arabic notation, yet they follow a logical structure. Below, you will find the translation of basic numbers:
- 0 - cero
- 1 - uno
- 2 - dos
- 3 - tres
- 4 - cuatro
- 5 - cinco
- 6 - seis
- 7 - siete
- 8 - ocho
- 9 - nueve
- 10 - diez
Teens and Tens
Numbers from eleven to nineteen have unique names in Spanish:
- 11 - once
- 12 - doce
- 13 - trece
- 14 - catorce
- 15 - quince
- 16 - dieciséis
- 17 - diecisiete
- 18 - dieciocho
- 19 - diecinueve
The tens in Spanish also follow specific terms:
- 20 - veinte
- 30 - treinta
- 40 - cuarenta
- 50 - cincuenta
- 60 - sesenta
- 70 - setenta
- 80 - ochenta
- 90 - noventa
Higher Numbers
Once you move beyond twenty, Spanish numbers start combining two parts. Here are examples:
- 21 - veintiuno (note that 'veinte' combines with 'uno')
- 22 - veintidós
- 23 - veintitrés
From thirty onwards, the pattern stabilizes:
- 31 - treinta y uno
- 42 - cuarenta y dos
- 56 - cincuenta y seis
Hundreds and Thousands
In the hundreds and thousands, the structure changes slightly:
- 100 - cien (for exactly 100) or ciento (for numbers between 101 and 199)
- 200 - doscientos
- 300 - trescientos
- 1000 - mil
- 2000 - dos mil
For example:
- 145 - ciento cuarenta y cinco
- 2,345 - dos mil trescientos cuarenta y cinco
Decimal Numbers
In Spanish, decimals are often accompanied by the term "coma." For example, 3.14 in Spanish is expressed as "tres coma catorce".
- 123 = ciento veintitrés
- 456 = cuatrocientos cincuenta y seis
- 789 = setecientos ochenta y nueve
- 1,234 = mil doscientos treinta y cuatro
General Tips for Conversion
- Familiarize yourself with the Spanish number words to enable quick recognition.
- Practice writing numbers both in words and numerals to enhance your comprehension.
- Read Spanish texts that include numbers to develop a better sense of how they are used contextually.
What should I pay attention to when converting numbers from Spanish to Arabic?
- Teen Numbers: Remember that numbers between 11 and 15 have unique terms that do not follow the usual patterns.
- Combining Terms: Be aware that compound numbers (e.g., 21, 31) use "y" (and) to combine tens and units.
- Changing Forms: The form of "cien" changes to "ciento" in numbers beyond 100.
- Decimal Points: Pay attention to the use of commas in decimal numbers, which is different from the Arabic numeral system.
- Hyphen Use: Some numbers, especially those between twenty and thirty, often have hyphens in written form (like veintiuno).
By keeping these notes in mind, converting numbers will become an easier task.
How to use Arabic words to Spanish number Converter?
To convert Arabic numerals to Spanish words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the Arabic numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Spanish number" button.
- The Spanish numeral will be displayed in the output field.
How to use Numeral to Arabic number Converter?
To convert numerals to Arabic words, follow these simple steps:
- Enter the numeral in the input field.
- Click the "Convert to Arabic number" button.
- The Arabic numeral will be displayed in the output field.